Are you ready to take the next step and buy your first home? With these tips, you won’t make any of these mistakes before hunting for your new home.
If you are tired of living in your parent’s basement or that janky apartment that smells bad, it’s probably time for you to buy your first house. This will be an exciting and draining time, but it will be all worth it in the end. Your aspiration is to find that perfect home that doesn’t cost as much, but unfortunately, there will be some roadblocks. In this post, we will go over a few mistakes that first-time homebuyers make and what you can do to make sure it doesn’t happen to you.
Not Knowing Your Budget
This is probably the biggest mistake first-time homebuyers make because of their ignorance of the housing market. Firstly, jot down a list of your monthly expenses to give you an idea of the budget you have. Thankfully, there are mortgage calculators that can help you do the math and give you an idea of how much your mortgage will cost. When searching for a home you have to look at homes that are realistic and are in the financial neighborhood of what you can afford. Don’t lust after the homes you can’t afford now although maybe in the future you’ll be able to manage and buy that big house on the hill.
Being Picky
Everyone has an idea of what they want their first home to look like and the amenities that come with it. However, since this is your first home you have to make a compromise because your funds may be limited. Your first home might not have that extra bedroom or bathroom you wanted. Instead, it’s located on a busy street, outdated interior design, and there are some repairs to the house you have to get done. We know it might not be what you were hoping for but would you rather have a home that has a few projects you’ll have to complete over time or do you want to continue to pay rent at that apartment you hate so much. Being picky about the food you eat is fine, being picky in the home buying process isn’t.
Caving In
When looking for your first home you may have a detail that your home has to have. For example, if you and your wife are planning on having kids don’t buy the home that only has two bedrooms if you’re looking for a home with three. Also, if you hate sharing a wall with a neighbor don’t buy that ranch style home that is connected to your neighbors. Although, there will be situations you have to make some compromises with don’t make a compromise about something that will negatively impact you or your family. If it’s a necessity for your home to be located on a quiet street or have an attic or basement don’t cave in you will be able to find a home with the traits you desire.
Trust The Professionals At Clagett Enterprises For Your Real Estate Needs
If you’re looking for the perfect realtor for your property or to assist during your purchase of any home, you can rely on Clagett Enterprises. Clagett Enterprises is a full-service real estate company with almost 30 years of experience in the Frederick and Western Maryland area. For assistant selling your home and getting the best possible price, contact us online or give us a call at 301-665-6009. To meet our team and see some of our beautiful homes, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.