What Features Do Office Tenants Look For In Properties

Clagett-Enterprises-Office-TenantsIn the current commercial real estate world, commercial office space has become a topic of debate due to the shift of companies towards remote work. However, physical office spaces remain the best option for direct communication, productivity, and morale. When tenants decide to move to a new property, they have specific requirements that they look for in their new office space. Here are some of the things that they seek out in office spaces.

Mixed Spaces

Open-concept spaces have become popular not only for residential homes but also for office spaces. Group work settings are highly beneficial and even promote good health, depending on the type of work a specific team does.


As far as commercial properties are concerned, ensuring security is of utmost importance. It covers a wide range of protection systems against intruders and fires. According to the law, every commercial property must have fire protection and security systems. It is vital to keep these technologies well-maintained continuously to ensure their effectiveness. Moreover, maintaining clear and effective communication with office tenants is crucial to ensure their safety in an emergency.

Quality Control

Maintaining good indoor air quality is crucial for creating a comfortable and healthy working environment for office tenants. Neglecting this aspect could lead to “Sick Building Syndrome” in some people, which can cause various health problems. Therefore, building owners or property managers must keep track of the property’s HVAC system, cleaning schedule, and structural integrity to ensure that the indoor air quality is always at its best. By doing so, they can help improve their tenants’ overall well-being and happiness.


A well-equipped office should be situated in a location that offers a wide range of amenities within walking or driving distance. When there are small restaurants and stores just outside the front door, it’s an added advantage for companies. Having a nearby park or a place to stroll is also a great benefit. If you’re looking for commercial office properties and property management services Clagett Enterprises can assist you in finding the best ones for your needs.

Trust the Professionals at Clagett Enterprises for Your Realty Needs

If you’re looking for an experienced property management company, the perfect realtor for your property, or a professional to assist you during your purchase of any home, you can rely on Clagett Enterprises. Clagett Enterprises is a full-service real estate company with almost 30 years of experience in the Frederick and Western Maryland area. For assistance with commercial sales, leasing, management, and development and consulting, contact us online or give us a call at 301-665-6009. To meet our team and see some of our beautiful homes, follow us on Facebook and Linkedin.

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