There are a lot of things for rental property owners to consider before finding an ideal tenant.
It is essential that landlords take the time to review every application they get from prospective applicants. In fact, including questions that get to the root of whether a potential tenant is a quality tenant is a crucial aspect of landlords that can often get overlooked. Here are just a few of the questions that need should be in every application.
“How Long Do You Plan On Staying?”
Unless you are in a transient business, knowing the expectancy of potential tenants is essential for any landlord. In fact, knowing a rentals turnover rates or vacancy periods is highly valuable information for rental property owners looking to make a profit with their rental properties. Since these gaps in empty units result in landlords suffering financially, knowing up-front the timetable, you are working with can illuminate whether or not this is a tenant you would be interested in occupying your rental. Therefore, if a prospective candidate is not interested in staying in your rental for more than a year, they may not be the best fit for your purposes.
“What Kind Of Pets Do You Have?”
Whether you allow pets in your rentals or not, it is always best to ask prospective tenants the type of animals they may be bringing with them. Instead of asking whether they have any pets or not, which simply leads to a yes or no response. Phrasing the question in a unique way, such as “what kind of pets do you have,” allows the prospective tenants to be more honest with their answers.
“How Many Evictions Have Been Filed Upon You?”
Phrasing the hotly-debated eviction question is always a significant obstacle for many landlords. However, it is an essential question that needs to be asked. Instead of only asking if a prospective tenant has ever been evicted, asking whether any evictions have been filed upon them sheds a much brighter light on whether or not they are a quality candidate for your rental property.
“How Many Felonies Do You Have?”
Once again, phrasing the question “how many,” as opposed to “do you have” requires the tenant to stop and think about the answer. As a result, landlords get honest answers that are accurate and help them ensure they are getting quality tenants all the time.
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